15 DIY Circus Costume Ideas for Halloween – Best Circus Halloween Costumes – Country Living

Ladies and gentlemen, step right up…to the most spectacular show (of costumes) on Earth! From pumpkin carving to trick-or-treating and tons of candy, Halloween can feel like quite the circus act. So why not bring that feeling full-circle with a DIY circus costume idea this year? Whether you or your child wants to be a ring leader, clown, or sweet piece of cotton candy, there’s a place for all of your family members under the big top—and we’re certain you’ll find yours in this list, which includes ideas for all ages. Here you’ll find everything from Disney-famous Dumbo to a strong ”little” man, a lion in a circus wagon, and more. Want to dress up with your loved one? Try a couples costume inspired by crowd-favorite circus movie musical The Greatest Showman, or go as partners in “mime.” And while circuses are known for their extravagance and opulence, this roundup—which includes inspiration for adults, teens, toddlers, and babies—is anything but over the top. You can easily recreate each one of these clever DIY circus Halloween costumes in no time (and without spending a fortune). After all, the most magnificent Halloween costumes are brought to life with the very same motifs that define any circus: creativity, imagination, and pure magic.