Sayonara Wild Hearts is coming to Xbox One, scheduled to release on February 25 – Windows Central

If any Xbox players have been wondering when they could check out Sayonara Wild Hearts, wonder no longer. Annapurna Interactive announced today that this pop-filled game is now slated to release on Xbox One on February 25. You can take a look at a bit of gameplay in the trailer below.
SAYONARA WILD HEARTS is coming to Xbox One on February 25.
— Annapurna Interactive (@A_i) February 18, 2020
Sayonara Wild Hearts is a rythym game filled with chases in a surreal setting, all while a catchy pop soundtrack plays. While we don’t have exact pricing information, it’ll likely be the same price as on other platforms, $12.99 USD. Annapurna Interactive has confirmed that the game supports native 4K resolution on Xbox One X, so owners of the mid-gen refresh console are in for an extra visual treat.