Review: DIY Face Masks –

I need to keep it real with y’all – I’m not really a DIY kinda gal in anyway shape or form. When I host parties, I buy EVERYTHING. I hate putting crap together. But motherhood and work has kept me pretty dang busy and my skin is showing it.
A spa day is great but like most of us, self care time (and money) is limited. Plus I can be lazy, really, really lazy.
So I did a little research on what we can all do at home to get some immediate results. Here’s what I tried and how it worked for me.
Banana Face Mask
Apparently you can use a banana as an all-natural, homemade face mask that moisturizes your skin and leaves it looking and feeling softer. Who knew?
Directions: Mash up a medium-sized ripe banana into a smooth paste, then gently apply it to your face and neck. Let it set for ten to 20 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water. Another popular mask recipe calls for 1/4 cup plain yogurt, 2 tablespoons honey (a natural acne remedy), and one medium banana.
Yay or Nay: NAY – not for me. Soooo sticky and smelled like baby food.
Milk Facial
Directions: Make a homemade face mask by mixing 1/4 cup powdered milk with enough water to form a thick paste. Thoroughly coat your face with the mixture, let dry completely, then rinse with warm water. Your face will feel fresh and rejuvenated.
Yay or Nay: YAY, felt so refreshing and made my skin glow.
Mask: Oatmeal mask
Directions: Combine 1/2 cup hot—not boiling—water and 1/3 cup oatmeal. After the water and oatmeal have settled for two or three minutes, mix in 2 tablespoons plain yogurt, 2 tablespoons honey, and one small egg white. Apply a thin layer of the mask to your face, and let it sit for ten to 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.
Yay or Nay: YAY and very delicious
Mask: Cocoa Hydration Mask
Directions: Mash one quarter of an avocado in a small bowl. Stir in one tablespoon cocoa powder and one tablespoon honey, mashing and mixing well. Apply the mask to your clean, dry skin for 10 minutes. Wash off.
Yay or Nay: YAY. Apparently Avocado is extremely hydrating, cocoa is an excellent skin-soothing antioxidant, and honey is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, This is now my go-to. And I also ate some of it – really good.
Mask: The Breakfast Mask
This breakfast-themed mask helps calm and mattify oily skin, thanks to its mix of soothing oatmeal and tightening egg yolks
Directions: Combine one egg yolk, one tablespoon of honey, and one tablespoon of olive oil (yes, olive oil) with half a cup of oatmeal. Stir well, then apply it to your face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.
Yay or Nay: NAY – I think my skin will never be the same, olive oil has ruined me.
Ain’t no reason us Dads can’t get our facial on. Pamper yourself daddy, you deserve it. LoL.