3 life hacks to make your morning routine easier – WKYC.com

CLEVELAND — That alarm clock keeps chirping… You only want 10 more minutes of sleep, so you slam that snooze button.
Uh oh! Now you’re late for work and the entire day just got off to a rocky start.
We don’t want this to happen to you, so we had Jasmine Monroe talk to the experts to create a list of three simple life hacks that will make a big difference in your morning routine.
HACK #1: Set your alarm far away from you. This will force you to get up and out of bed, which also means you’re less likely to hit snooze.
HACK #2: Drink coffee — but at the right time. According to JavaPresse.com, the right time to drink coffee is between 9 to 11:30 a.m. and 1 to 5 p.m. Instead of crashing between peaks, you’ll maintain alertness.
HACK #3: Positive affirmations are everything. We sat down with life coach Tracy Baranauskas for the best tips to get your morning started off on the right food. Her advice? Positive affirmations. “These are purposeful thoughts,” she said. “We’re thinking all the time. We’re sending ourselves messages all the time, and often we don’t even realize what they are. So why not be more purposeful in what you’re telling yourself?”
BONUS HACK: Say to yourself, “I wonder what I can get away with today?” It can be a strange — yet simple — motivational tool.
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